Our work to end racism is far from over. Anti-Black racism and violence is everywhere — and posting a black square on Instagram, while well-intentioned, isn’t enough. We need to do more and do better.
Education is key. Resources are key. Knowledge is key.
There is a huge part of self-accountability that needs to be present right now. Educate yourself on what is going on. Don't just repost a good Instagram picture. Read the history behind it. Understand the material. Learn how to help and do better outside of reposting.
I would like to share a list of ways to help beyond surface level. Let's hold each other accountable in this moment. Donate, read, follow, support.. the list goes on.
The Bail Project- https://secure.givelively.org/donate/the-bail-project
-Funds to pay bail for those who have been arrested during the protests. You can split your donation between the 39 bail funds(including the Philadelphia Bail Fund, the LGBTQ Freedom Fund, the Community Justice Exchange National Bail Fund Network and the Mississippi Bail Fund Collective)
Say Her Name- https://aapf.org/supportshn
-a campaign that calls attention to police violence against Black women, girls, and femmes.
BLM - TO- https://blacklivesmatter.ca/donate/
- A Toronto based Black Lives Matter Movement.
Black Lives Matter- https://blacklivesmatter.com/
-the Movement to fight for Freedom, Liberation and Justice for #BLM
-To demand racial data on police-involved deaths in Canada, you can sign the petition:
-To demand justice for Breonna Taylor, the Black emergency medical technician who was fatally shot in her apartment by the Louisville Metro Police Department:
-To demand the immediate arrest of the three officers who were present when Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd's neck:
-So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
-The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
-Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde
-How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
Afrobiz.ca provides more than 1500 listings for black-owned businesses, black entrepreneurs, and black organizations across the country.
-When They See Us
-The Hate U Give
-Malcom X
-The Help
These resources are barely scratching the surface of all that we can do to educate and support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. But you have to start somewhere.
Practice self-accountability in educating yourself on this topic of systematic racism. It is here. It has always been here. How do you plan on making a change today, tomorrow and forever?
Please share your favorite resources! We can never have too many.